It's super easy!
Step 1:
Step 2:
Write your cards!
Keep the inscriptions general like:
Congratulations on your new place!
Welcome to the neighborhood!
I wish you happiness and joy in your new home
Best wishes on settling into your new place
May your new home be blessed with warmth, love, and happiness
Cheers to you and your new home
Welcome to the neighborhood. We hope you love it as much as we do!
Sign them:
With your first name
A title like, "Your neighbor"
A combo like, "Your neighbor, Jane"
Give Us Your Cards
Drop off your cards in person:
February 10th-19th:​
Steel Bonnet Brewing
20 Victor Square Ext B,
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
February 14th, 12pm - 8pm
Discretion Brewing
2703 41st Ave Ste. A,
Soquel, CA 95073
Mail your cards to:​
Wings Advocacy
PO Box 1509
Felton, CA 95018
Drop off at our office hours:
Santa Cruz Public Library
224 Church St
Thursdays from 10:30am - 12pm
Watsonville Public Library
February 10th
from 1:00pm - 2:30pm
More local drop off places coming soon!
Step 3:
Sponsor A Welcome Home Basket
Can you spare just $15 to chip in towards a Welcome Home basket?
Or can you sponsor an entire basket for $80?
Every dollar helps us provide formerly unhoused families and individuals with essential supplies for dignity, health, and hygiene.
Can't donate? Don't worry!
Your cards will be much appreciated by our newly housed neighbors!
Why Baskets?
Imagine moving into a house with only the clothes on your back. How would you sweep? Do laundry? Get a glass of water?
We take all these things for granted in our homes because they're just the basics. We eat with our silverware. We clean up with our broom and dust pan. We wash our hair with our shampoo.
But for someone who just came from a shelter, or living in a tent or car for sometimes years - these basics aren't part of their collection. And sure, once they move into housing and get their income streams settled they could buy these items, but often times there are more pressing financial needs like food, gas, or transportation.
We don't ever want someone to have to choose between gas and a bed, or between food and dishes.
We want to help these individuals and families stabilize as they move into their new housing.
This stability can be the difference between whether or not someone stays housed.
By helping us do a drive for some of the items in these baskets, you can help people thrive and make their new house feel like home.
Our newly housed neighbors have enough to worry about without having to worry about how they'll afford hundreds of dollars for all the supplies they need.
Now imagine finally getting a house after years of living in your car and imagine a generous volunteer delivering a basket to you with all the supplies you need for cleaning, hygiene, and dignity. And the basket even has a little note.
That's the vision you'll help make a reality.